In 2010, Alan Medinger passed away, leaving a legacy of godly leadership, a testimony of transformation, and an unfinished book to encourage men on the journey toward sexual wholeness. As the former executive director of Exodus International and founder of Regeneration Ministries, he served thousands of men and women who sought to turn away from unwanted same sex attractions. Alan experienced transformation after many years of living a double life, when Christ brought healing and restoration to his own sexuality and marriage. Although health concerns slowed him down at the end, God’s Sexual Man , serves as a fitting legacy for a man who learned to express his sexuality in a godly way.
God’s Sexual Man presents an encouraging and practical guide for all men, single or married, who desire to align their sexuality with biblical truth. It is written from the wise experience of someone who has heard all the arguments and can cut through them with Scriptural application. These chapters represent the progress on Alan’s book until the point of his death. They are posted here with the kind permission of his son. As you read through them, you will find sections that need editing, misspelled words, and handwritten notes from colleagues who provided feedback on the manuscript. Despite the unpolished presentation, may you find encouragement and strength to commit your life and sexuality to Jesus.
For additional information on Alan Medinger, author Judith Hartzell has written a compelling and detailed biography published by Ambassador International. By God’s Design: Overcoming Same-Sex Attractions—A True Story examines Alan and Willa’s life together, his healing process, and their ministry to those who struggle with unwanted sexual attractions.